Monday, June 4, 2018

June 4 - the front bed

The front bed as seen from the new porch. Mulch not only helps to keep down weeds and conserve moisture, it makes everything look nicer too.
At least, what weeds are there are hidden and I can just see what I wish to grow here.

This photo is taken from the other end of the bed. The perennials are all small at this point, so I added some New Guinea impatiens near the steps, and two pots of wave petunia and yellow calibrachoa to fill in some colour. It will be a while before the perennials fill out and provide some blooms.

In this semi-shaded bed, I have planted a hydrangea, columbine, three lady's mantle, bleeding heart, fringed bleeding heart, climbing hydrangea, an aster, sedum, Japanese painted fern, cinnamon fern, and vinca as well as two hostas that came up from the previous owner's planting. It will be quite full once they all get going. And in the corner right near the porch, I am going to plant a panicle hydrangea. I think they give you the longest bloom time of any perennial.

One of my favourite flowers - columbine. This one is called Big Blue, it looks a little washed out in this photo, but it is gorgeous.  Such an intricate flower. There are four columbines in this bed all down this end around the plant pole.

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