Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Pruning and dried blossoms

It is pruned. I followed the advice of John Holden of Landscape Designs and cut the failing PeeWee hydrangea back to the old wood.  I left one set of buds on each branch in the hope that new growth will come from these next spring.

I cut most of the blossoms off and put them in vases without water. They are pretty dry already and I think they will just sit here and look pretty.

The array below is special to me because the vase was given to us by a dear friend in Halifax. It is a rock that has been polished and drilled with a 1" hole to hold just a few stems. The blue vase above was given to us years ago and I can't recall who gave it to us now. The blue matches the newly painted walls in the kitchen.

My photos are no match to my husband's on his much better camera. I may have to invest in a new camera for myself and step up the photo quality.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Snow and hydrangeas

We have been getting occasional snow flurries and on Saturday, there were enough to remain on the ground for a few hours. My husband got some lovely photos of snow on the PeeWee hydrangea in the front garden. I love the faint blush of pink in the petals.

Snow may be unwelcome, but it certainly can be pretty.

 You can even see the individual snow flakes, they look just like the paper ones that children make.