Nice flowers on two dahlias planted close together.
A large purple dahlia on the left and a pink one growing together. Can't remember their names.
Digging out a new bed around the gingko tree. At the back are two daylilies, and on the left, I have planted a gaillardia plus a goose-neck loosestrife that I moved from another bed. It wasn't very visible in its first spot and I find it so pretty that I felt it needed a better location.
Another photo of the new gingko bed. I have planted two blue salvias in the middle and on the right is a potentilla pink beauty. I have also a yellow tickseed to tuck into the left side of this bed. Then I will dig it a little larger in order to have lots of room for pink and yellow tulips this fall.

Another view of the gingko bed. The cosmos planted around the bottom of the new gingko tree have been one of the best flowers this year.
The small bell-flowered clematis that did well last year and has returned again this year, this time encircling the clothes pole.
A new hydrangea, Strawberry Fraise, planted on the edge of the back garden. It gets about 4-5 hours of direct sun in this spot. I have noticed that the hydrangeas that get the most sun are putting on the most blooms.
Hydrangea Strawberry Sundae planted last year is putting on a great show this year. It is definitely in the perfect spot.
View of the echinacea and black eye susan bed, with the three hydrangeas in the background - Annabelle, Strawberry Sundae and Strawberry Fraise.
The phlox bed, which suffered from powdery mildew. I found a recipe for a baking soda in water mix that seemed to do the trick. The leaves have died lower down on the plants but the mildew has stopped spreading.
Closeup of a climbing rose - it is recommended for zone 5 which makes me wonder why they sell it here at the local store. We are a zone 3B which is much colder than zone 5. I will mulch this really well and see if it survives the winter.
The bed of beefsteak tomatoes which are just starting to turn colour.
I love this combination of echinacea and black eye susans.
A pink dahlia planted in a pot with pink petunias.
Bobo hydrangea doing its thing. This plant is just great.
A photo of the apple tree, now planted for two years.
A lovely daylily that was here when we moved in. It is quite large and should be divided. I would get at least 3 plants from this one.
Another photo of the daylily, it has an exquisite colour, deep pinky-red with a yellow throat.
My most successful planter, packed full with pink petunias. This has already had a haircut and it bounced right back with lots more blooms.
A favourite of mine, the black eye susan vine. This one grows and grows, putting out the cheeriest yellow and orange flowers all summer long.
This is a pot that I filled with some seedlings that I started indoors. The nicotiana has taken off and has grown three feet tall. It has the loveliest scent especially in the evening.
A rather blurry photo of a planter filled with double impatiens, lobelia and fuchsia.