I planted 2 lupins last month and both have blossoms forming.
And the painted daisies have put out their colourful blooms.
I planted 2 irises in this bed two years ago, only one survived. And it has 5 blossoms on it. What a lovely iris.
A whole lot of columbines are now in bloom. I love these blossoms, I find them captivating with their beautiful upturned bell-like faces and the long spurs in back. The intricacy of nature is so beautiful.
pale blue
and soft lemon yellow
to bright crimson, they are like a flower within a flower
Lady's Mantle have set their yellow blooms. These ones are in full morning sun and they are about 8-10" tall. I have two others in a more shaded location and they have grown much taller, as if they are stretching towards the light.
the real reason we grow Lady's Mantle, for the way it holds water drops
A favourite plant of mine, fringed bleeding heart. This one will bloom all summer long. This is in a shaded bed and the colour is bright. I have another one that gets much more direct sun and the flowers are a faded pink instead of this bright pink above. (that bleeding heart is in the first two photos with the columbines) But the plant is looking very healthy even with all that sunshine.
This is a brunnera, I don't remember which species. The leaves are plain green and the plant holds the daintiest blue flowers above its leaves. The flowers really do look like forget-me-nots.
I had forgotten how Ontario has dry summers. After 30 years on the wet east coast, one takes rain for granted. Not here. It hasn't rained in 8 days. I got a rain measure so now I really know how much and how often it rains. Even when people think it has rained a lot, as in two weeks ago, it was still only half an inch per week which is only half of what gardens require to grow well. My neighbour wonders why I water so much and I wonder why she doesn't water more!